Specialists in defending allegations involving sexual assault
Expert and Discrete advice
We live in an age where many cases of alleged sexual misconduct are brought before the court are prosecuted with little evidence, which can often take the form of unsupported oral evidence. This means that the likelihood of a wrongful conviction is more likely than for other crimes. Being faced with a charge can be very distressing and can impact on family life and damage an accused’s reputation.
Sexual offences cover a range of serious crimes, the most grave of which can carry major sentences. Offences vary from direct sexual contact with another individual, typically in offences such as rape, sexual assault, or grooming of an underage child, to less directly intrusive offences such as possession of indecent images of children.
The trial process is, of course, extremely stressful for the victim, but also defendants. While victims, rightly, remain anonymous, the accused and the charges they face are a matter of public record, so it is vital they seek a robust defence.
As with many serious crimes, evidence in these cases may focus on DNA. And in instances of rape, for example, the case can hinge on the word of one party against the other, if a question of consent is central.
In light of this complexity, and without a one-size-fits-all approach, those facing charges need advice from the earliest proceedings. This advice must be specialist and come from those well used to detailed defence preparation.