

Terrorism is a very serious allegation for any individual to face and the Courts take terrorism charges very seriously.

Terrorism offences can be brought under The Terrorism Act 2000, The Anti Terrorism, The Crime and Security Act 2001, the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005, The Terrorism Act 2006 and the Counter Terrorism Act 2008.

Facing criminal charges in relation to terrorism offences can cause an immense deal of stress to the individual facing the charges and their families. It is therefore essential to ensure that you are represented by a legal team of terrorism law solicitors with experience in this complex area of law.

It is essential that any legal advisor representing a suspect facing Terrorism charges is fully aware of the procedures and Court processes under the various Terrorism Acts.  Terrorism cases are often different in nature compared to normal cases in relation to the evidence as it is often the case that the evidence collated in terrorism cases comes from covert sources such as secret surveillance and recordings.

We can represent you in relation to all types of terrorism cases including but not limited to:

  • Incitement of terrorism
  • Terrorist training offences
  • Act preparatory to terrorism
  • Dissemination of terrorist publications
  • Directing terrorist organisations
  • Conspiracy to murder

Our expert team of Advocates are available on a 24-hour basis and can provide immediate legal advice and representation in relation to terrorism offences. For advice or assistance please use our contact form or call our offices and speak with Shan Yaqub.

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